to meet your requirements
CHL produces radar antenna systems in the S-band (3 GHz), X-band (9 GHz) and the Ku-band (16 GHz). Furthermore, CHL develops, designs and produces systems to customer specifications up to 40 GHz for specific applications and situations.
Lock monitoring and traffic control system (the Netherlands)
The Heumen Lock connects the Maas-Waal Canal to the maas River. CHL designed and built a radar antenna system to automatically monitor and control the shipping.
Port of Singapore
The port of Singapore is one of the busiest in the world in terms of shipping tonnage that is being handled. Huge ocean-going freight ships dock there. They cross the approach route for planes landing at Changi Airport. A specially designed CHL radar antenna is integrated in the system which monitors the altitude of ships.
Under bridges (the Netherlands)
The local authorities in Nijmegen decided to put an antenna system under a bridge. Specific adjustments were required for precise performance of the system.